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KidKraft Personalized Pink Retro Kitchen and Refrigerator Baby Pink (Default Artwork) Description
Your children will love the creative play that they can engage in with the culinary inspiration that is this retro pink kitchen. Opening doors on the fridge freezer oven and beneath the sink make for a more realistic kitchen experience and the absence of filthy cleanup makes that experience like a dream. It's fun for your children to pretend to whip up cakes roasts soups and sauces and it's fun for you to try them all. After some quick assembly you've got a relaxing meal waiting for you. Sort of. Recommended for ages 3-6 years. About KidKraftKidKraft is a leading creator manufacturer and distributor of children's furniture toy gift and room accessory items. KidKraft's headquarters in Dallas Tex. serves as the nerve center for the company's design operations and distribution networks. With the company mission emphasizing quality design dependability and competitive pricing KidKraft has consistently experienced double-digit growth. It's a name parents can trust for high-quality safe innovative children's toys and furniture.

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