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Harold Import 3551 Mother's Slow Cooker Recipes For Entertaining Description
Hensperger and Kaufmann show that the slow cooker is the perfect tool for effortless entertaining on weekends and even weeknights, with more than 300 new recipes specially created to serve larger groups. Recipes range from casual to formal, and this is the only slow cooker cookbook that also includes tips on how to use your slow cooker for a wide variety of entertaining options and how to scale up those recipes for even more guests. It covers all the bases: appetizers, punches, dips, soups, entrees, fondues, desserts--all can be prepared ahead of time in the slow cooker, so that hosts will be able to focus on the guests, not the preparations.
Highlights :-
300 new recipes created to serve a group, proving that the slow cooker is the perfect tool for effortless entertaining.
PB, 480 pages, by Beth Hensperger and Julie kaufmann.
Slow cooker is the perfect tool for effortless entertaining on weekends and even weeknights.
This is the only slow cooker cookbook that includes lots of tips and techniques on how to use your slow cooker for a wide variety of entertaining options.
Recipes range from contemporary updates of slow cooker classics to more adventurous ethnic dishes.

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